Our Story

A small home-based bakery located in Olathe, KS, we strive to make original, not-too-sweet treats, that are absolutely delicious. After having my first child, I wanted to be able to stay home with her while continuing to support my family. This allows me to share my life-long love of baking and raise the cutest potato you have ever seen.

Running hundreds of tests (with the help of my taste tester husband) I believe we have set upon a fantastic menu of items you are sure to enjoy. We often run seasonal specials because like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and birthdays, they only happen once a year which makes them worth savoring. Make sure to check back often so you don’t miss out!

A portion of every order is donated to JDRF to support research to cure Type 1 diabetes.

It may seem strange that a bakery is supporting diabetes research, but I was diagnosed just after my 30th birthday with Type 1. Most people are diagnosed around 13 years old and have to live with diabetes for the rest of their lives. Research has come incredibly far, but there is still a ways to go before a cure is found.

To learn more please visit: https://www.jdrf.org/

Or to make a donation yourself please visit: https://www.jdrf.org/donate/