Frequently asked questions.

Your cookies look delicious! I would like to order some, why are they all out of stock?

We are still a new bakery and are just dipping our toes in the water. For now, we will just be doing festivals and scheduled presales which are listed under our events section. We hope to be able to offer more services soon!

Do you offer gluten free options and how do I know they are safe?

Yes! Almost every item we sell is available in a gluten free option as well.

When making anything gluten free I am extremely careful with every batch. My sister-in-law has celiac and has a very strong reaction to the smallest amount of gluten, especially with cross contamination so I am well versed in ensuring everything is clean. When making a batch of gluten free items I extensively clean my mixer, countertops, and even the oven doors. I also only use kitchen equipment which has just come out of the dishwasher and have specific oven mitts and cutting boards that have never been used for gluten containing items.

I noticed your gluten free items say them contain wheat. What is up with that? Is it safe for me as a person with celiac, a gluten allergy, or a gluten intolerance?

Yes! We use King Arthur Flour Gluten Free Bread Flour for all of our gluten free items. It is a wheat based flour that has had the gluten protein removed and is safe for people with celiac, a gluten allergy, or a gluten intolerance. We like to stress that is contains wheat for people with a wheat allergy. It is not safe for anyone with a wheat allergy. Please visit the KAF website if you have more questions:

I saw that your gluten free items use a wheat-based flour and I have a wheat allergy. Can I still order a wheat free item from you?

Yes! Several of our cookies were tested and developed using King Arthur Flour’s Gluten Free Measure for Measure flour which does not contain any wheat. We can substitute our GF Bread Flour for the GF Measure for Measure on certain items. Please select the “Wheat Allergy” option when purchasing any of those cookies. Also, please let us know if you have a gluten allergy as well so we can properly clean our kitchen and ensure no cross contamination occurs.

Do you ship items?

All of our food products can be shipped, however we only ship to Kansas and Missouri locations for right now.